陈俊婷 博士
Angewandte Chemie
报告地点:张江校区4号楼 600
邀请人:李纲 研究员
Junting Chen (陈俊婷) obtained a B.Sc. in chemistry from Nankai University (Tianjin, China) in 2016, during which she spent one year at Harvard University (Massachusetts, USA) as an undergraduate intern. She then moved to the Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung (Mülheim, Germany), where she worked on developing new 18F-fluorination labelling protocols and selective C–H functionalization methodologies. She finished her PhD studies and joined the editorial teams of ChemCatChem and EurJOC in 2020, and Angewandte Chemie in 2021.
陈俊婷博士2016年本科毕业于南开大学,期间在哈佛大学实习一年。毕业之后,她加入马克思普朗克煤炭研究所攻读博士学位,师从Tobias Ritter教授,博士期间致力于开发新的18F-氟化标记方案和选择性C-H官能化。2020年她完成博士学业,同年加入了ChemCatChem和 EurJOC的编辑团队,并于2021年加入了Angewandte Chemie。
Abstract:A highly competitive research environment with increasingly limited research funding has created a “Publish or Perish” attitude among scientists who are judged on the quantity rather than quality of their research articles.
This presentation provides brief overviews of Wiley-VCH’s history and developments, the crucial contribution of Chinese research community will also be highlighted and acknowledged. A profile of in-house Wiley chemistry journals will be introduced, and some practical tips will be given on how to avoid ethical problems, how to select an appropriate journal for your paper, what aspects of preparation and presentation to focus on from an editor’s and referee’s perspective, and hints for increasing the discoverability of your paper after publication.
本次讲座将简要概述Wiley-VCH 的历史和发展,同时也借此机会对中国研究界对Wiley的重要贡献致以感谢。此外,将为大家具体介绍 Wiley 化学期刊的概况,并提供一些实用技巧,主要包括如何避免学术伦理问题、如何为论文选择合适的期刊,以及从编辑和审稿人的角度,带大家分析科研论文的撰写及文章在发表后如何提高其可发现性等等。