Exciting Materials Research: from material creation to application
Prof. Hideo Hosono (细野秀雄)
Tokyo Institute of Technology 荣誉教授 英国皇家学会外籍院士
时间:11月7日(周二) 10:00-11:30
邀请人:陈接胜教授 & 叶天南副教授
Almost 40 years have passed since I started materials research carrier. I feel the most exciting research is cultivating new frontier in which fundamentals and applications are not differentiated, and the most attractive point of materials research is its huge impact on our society if research is successful and meets with demands of the society. In this seminar,I talk on several excitements in my materials research. Concretely, the following 3 cases are introduced, from basic idea of transparent amorphous oxide semiconductors as a novel class of amorphous semiconductors and their TFT application (IGZO) to flat panel displays, from creation of stable electride to element strategy and catalyst green ammonia synthesis, and from discovery of iron-based superconductors to finding of potential for wire and bulk magnet. Materials research is much more exciting than I expected first and uncultivated and fertile frontiers are in front of us.
细野秀雄(Hideo Hosono),东京工业大学元素战略研究中心主任兼创始人,东京工业大学荣誉教授、日本国立物质材料研究所杰出研究员,英国皇家学会外籍院士,全球高被引科学家。细野秀雄教授是铁基超导材料的发明人,引领了超导研究领域的又一次重大变革。他长期致力于透明导体的研究,开发的IGZO材料已被夏普、三星等公司成功应用于平板显示器,产生巨大的商业价值。他首次将水泥原料钙铝石转变成导体(electride)甚至是超导体,解决了能源和催化领域的重要难题,尤其是在催化合成氨方面做出了突出的贡献,被誉为材料界的魔术师。他先后获得日本国际奖、Von Hippel奖(美国材料研究学会)、James C. McGroddy奖(美国物理学会)、Jan Raychman奖(国际信息显示学会)、汤森路透引文桂冠奖(Thomson Reuter Citation Laureate in Physics)和日本学士院恩赐奖等荣誉,被认为是日本最接近诺贝尔奖的科学家之一。 迄今为止,已在包括Nature (6)、Science (3)、Nature子刊(27)和J. Am. Chem. Soc (44)等期刊发表SCI论文1000余篇;获授权发明专利110余件(国际专利20余件);SCI他引12万余次,H指数127。代表性的成就包括:1.铁基超导体的发现;2.透明氧化物半导体IGZO的发现;3.室温稳定电子化合物(Electrides)的发现及其在能源和催化领域的工业化应用。